[EXCLUSIVE] How Coercion is Being Used for the Un-Vaxxed

The Covid 19 Grifters Are At it Again. This time with the Scary “delta” Variant. Americans Aren’t Buying It!
Dateline: Creve Coeur, MO. USA/Wednesday July 7th, 2021/Written by: Jeffrey L. Klump

In February of 2020, I warned people that the thing everyone was calling Covid 19 or Coronavirus, was actually a biological weapon unleashed upon the earth by the CCP(Chinese Communist Party).

This weapon was released in a level 4 lab outside of Wuhan, China.

The reason for all of the confusion is because everyone was lying about what it was and where it came from.

President Xi Jin Ping of China was lying about it and so was President Donald Trump.

The bioweapon, known as Covid 19, was originally made in a laboratory by the U.S. Army at Fort Detrick, Maryland along with the help of North Carolina University, Anthony Fauci, and the CDC.

The work that was done on the Coronavirus, known as Covid 19, was eventually offshored to Wuhan, China circa 2014.

No one knows for sure exactly what was done as far as the modifications to Covid 19 once the research was moved to Wuhan.

We do know for an absolute certainty that something called “spike protein” was mixed in with the other ingredients, not only with the virus but more importantly, into the so-called Covid 19 vaccines.

Spike proteins are extremely toxic to the human body if they get into the bloodstream.

So, you have everyone including the media, lying about Covid and its origins, until the emails of Anthony Fauci get leaked out.

Once Fauci’s emails get exposed to the general public, his credibility about being an expert on Covid goes to zero.

People stop listening to him.

The Covid 19 grifters are at it again because they know no one is listening to them, this time around.

The Covid 19 grifters are losing control over the narrative and the majority of the U.S population.

More than half of Americans have not taken the experimental drug known as the Trump/Gates Warp Speed Covid 19 vaccine.

This has the Covid 19 grifters upset including Joe Biden who recently stated that getting the vaccine is the most patriotic thing that you can do.

This statement alone is an act of coercion.

In the 1947 Nuremberg Code, it clearly states that informed voluntary consent is essential when it comes to any type of medical experiment. (The Covid 19 vaccine is experimental and has not been approved by the FDA. Furthermore, the average time for a vaccine to be tested safely is 7 years.) The code goes on to state: the person involved with such experiments should have legal capacity to give consent as to be able to exercise free will, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or coercion. The person involved in such an experiment should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable them to make an understanding and enlightended decision.

Now that the economy has opened up and people are getting back to normal, only 47% of Americans have received at least one shot of the so-called vaccines.

The bioweapon known as Covid 19 was created for the vaccines, not the other way around.

This is what people are missing.

If you dig deep enough, you will find that this global vaccination plan is a de-population plan for humanity.

Let that sink in.

Since the emails from Anthony Fauci were released, the world now knows that there was an attack by the CCP in Beijing using biological weapons.

There are no vaccines for biological weapons like I have been saying since February 2020. Therefore, the experimental drugs that they keep referring to as a vaccine, must be something else.

This is where the spike proteins come in.

Since we now know there are spike proteins in all of the vaccines, and we know that spike proteins can be toxic to the human body, why are the vaccinations continuing, and why are the Covid 19 grifters trying to coerce the un-vaxxed into taking the vaccines?

On June 2nd, 2021, Dr. Byram W. Bridle from the University of Guelph in Canada, did a 5-minute radio interview that went viral.

Dr. Bridle is a viral immunologist who works with vaccines, and according to a request by him to the Japanese government, Bridle found out that the spike protein that is in the vaccines are not staying in the shoulder area, but getting into the bloodstream, whereby it can be toxic and cause all kinds of cardiovascular diseases including blood clots in humans.

Listen to the video below about what happened to Dr. Bridle after this interview. ( Dr. Bridle begins speaking at the 10:25 mark).

Editor’s Note: YouTube continues to take this video down.

If you have trouble viewing this on YT, Click Here to watch on Bitchute.

This is chilling, to say the least.

Dr. Byram W. Bridle, PhD

Since the vaccine rates are not where the Covid 19 grifters want them to be, and since there are so many reports of people being injured or dying from the vaccines, the Covid 19 grifters needed a new plan not only to get more people vaccinated but also to cover up the existing vaccine deaths.

They came up with something called the “Delta Variant”.

Yes, they wanted to make it sound scary just like they did with Covid 19 in early 2020.

Like Covid 19, they first reported about the Delta variant from another country. This time, India.

There were all kinds of news reports about so many people dying, just like you heard about with Covid 19 in China, a year earlier.

This time, however, the American people are wise to the tricks of the Covid 19 grifters.

The Covid 19 grifters and their friends in the media are once again using their favorite weapon for mass social control: fear.

They are not telling you, however, that this so-called Delta variant is coming from the vaccines themselves.

The Delta variant = The Vaccine variant.

Instead, they are trying to convince the population that this Delta variant is being transmitted by the un-vaxxed without any hard evidence to support their claim.

This is another form of coercion being used to get people to take an experimental drug, which according to the 1947 Nuremberg Code listed above, is a war crime.

Most recently, and perhaps the most startling announcement, which I, by the way, have told people back in March 2020, there will be government people showing up at your front door.

Within the past 2 weeks, the state of New Jersey has announced that it will make door-to-door visits for the un-vaxxed. Go here to read the article => If you’re not vaccinated the state of NJ is coming to your door (nj1015.com)

Then, on July 6th, you hear not only the President, but his chief of staff, talk about going door to door with visits regarding the vaccine which would include people from FEMA. Go here to read the article => Biden admin launching ‘door-to-door’ push to vaccinate Americans, sparks major backlash | Fox News

This not only sounds like coercion, but it seems to me that it goes further into intimidation.

Fortunately, for Americans, we have the U.S. Constitution and the 2nd Amendment.

If anyone is illegally trespassing on your private property, you can and must use force to discourage lawbreakers.

This is how desperate the Covid 19 grifters have become since more than half of America refuse to get the Covid 19 experimental death jab.

They are in a hurry to reduce the world’s population by 2/3 and they want to do it before more information leaks out about the number of deaths and disabilities from these experimental drugs.


There is no secret to good health.

All you have to do is keep your carb intake low, supplement with Vitamin D3, Liposomal Vitamin C, and use CHAGA mushrooms daily. Along with that, you must do high-intensity weight training & cardio 4 days per week.

Doing this without taking drugs will help you with any type of virus including the Covid 19 “Coronavirus”.

Your health, wealth, safety, and prosperity are your responsibility. Not the government!

The government cannot keep you safe and that was proven on 9/11.

Educate yourself and support the real scientists and doctors who are speaking out against the dangers of these experimental vaccines.

Walk tall and don’t allow coercion to be used against you when it comes to taking any experimental drug.

Use the 1947 Nuremberg Code as your defense against those who wish to harm you and your children.





Jeffrey L. Klump is a Digital Marketer, Blogger, Researcher, Writer, and Work-from-home Business Opportunity, Specialist. Click Here to contact me.



The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays an additional key role in illness – Salk Institute for Biological Studies

bbridle | Pathobiology (uoguelph.ca)

CDC Insists Benefits Of mRNA Vaccines Still “Clearly Outweigh” Risks Of Dangerous Side Effects | ZeroHedge

Here is a flyer that you can hand out to a door-to-door canvasser for the Covid 19 “vaccine” who may knock on your door. 


By Jeffrey L. Klump

I am 60 years old and widowed with 2 children. I live in Creve Coeur, MO. USA which is a suburb of Saint Louis. I am a Digital Marketer, Blogger, Writer, Life Insurance Agent, SEO Expert, and Work from Home Business Opportunity Specialist. I am the owner & administrator of the MEK Enterprises Blog. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you.

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